Issue 03 : 06 - June 1-30 2021

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In this Issue:

  • Indian Confusions on Covid19 and the International Secrecies
  • Culpability for Covid19 deaths in India
  • A Doctor’s Guidelines for Covid19 Home Isolation (Mild Cases)
  • Take Home Lessons from 2021 West Bengal Election:
    1. Have a Brutal Cadre
    2. Look after your Vote Bank
    3. Instil fear among political opponents
    4. Develop a Syndicate as coverup
    5. Show two finger to opponents,
    6. Be Fascist
    7. Seek vote in the name of community
  • Take Home Lessons from 2021 West Bengal Election : The Final Words
  • सम्पादकीय : "होई है सोई जो राम रचि राखा"
  • 'थेथ्थर'
  • "बेकार की सीख"
  • A troubled AlAqsa in Jerusalem
  • A Toothless organisation called UNSC
  • Inhuman indulgence at UN Human Rights Council
  • Is China annexing the Mt Everest from Nepal?
  • Science & technologies
    • Chinese Craft Lands at Mars
    • Covid Cough Scanner
    • DRDO Offers 2Deoxy DGlucose as Covid19 drug
  • चलते-चलाते

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